Travel Agents and Tours Operators are seeking to differentiate their service lines to compensate for commission reduction and boost revenue in the new competitive marketplace.
The Travel & Hospitality industry has changed dramatically over the past few years. In a highly complex and competitive environment, companies have to become more customer-focused; travel companies can achieve greater customer advocacy, retention and loyalty – all of which translates into improved financial results. Deliver new self-service technologies and incorporate customer insights into core business decisions and operations

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Solutions for Travel Agents
Hotel Voucher System
The Hotel Voucher System is a web-based system that will be used to handle Hotel booking and reservation and to keep track of all the relevant information on the booking
Hotel reservation information is stored in the system as input by the user and when required, the user retrieves the information by searching the required hotel and inputting details required by client. Hotel reservation normally involves a lot of tasks whereby the travel consultant spends a lot of time finding hotel information either in Internet or brochures given to them by the hotels. For a travel consultant, this might prove to be too tedious especially when they are doing a reservation for a large group in different hotels and different reservation dates.
Hotels have different rates, which means the agent has to look at the respective documents whenever they have a client thus need for the hotel voucher system to put the rates in one place for easier and faster access by agents when needed. This will eliminate the possibility of errors occurring.It is created to ease the work of an agent as they are checking rates of a certain hotel for a client.
Corporate SMS
Corporate SMS is a solution that provides your travel agent with an optimum method to reach its targeted customers in a cost effective approach.Sending information to all your clients one by one is a tedious affair
Corporate SMS is a way that has been devised to make this easier. The information required is centralized which means that it can be accessed easily and faster. All the user has to do is create and save the information i.e. addresses, groups, short message text and entities i.e. users of the system.With Corporate SMS, your company can reach out to a large number of groups at a time, and target specific segments through customized messaging.
The Corporate SMS online service portal presents valuable service delivery enhancements critical to your business by sharing mobile valuable content to your customers such as changes in PNR information, flight delays, flight disruptions, payment reminders, weather information, security alerts among others. This level of customer responsiveness would definitely differentiate your enterprise from your competitors.Such critical information relayed via SMS exhibits immediacy only second to voice in communication
TravSMS is a Short Messaging Service (SMS) solution available to Travel Agents as a supplementary to email and fast communication tool.
It generates and sends a short text message comprising key information from a ticket PNR the instant a ticket is issued, and sends it to the traveler mobile phone. It is available to consultants from within Travelport GDS.
The solution presents a display window for text editing and a count of the total number of characters to be received on SMS. This is important due to the limit on the character’s length on SMS
Travel Insurance
Travel Insurance System is a web-based tool that will be used to enable Travel and Tours consultants’ to sell travel insurance to clients at the time of the booking of a trip to cover exactly the duration of that trip, or a “multi-trip” policy.
It can also cover an unlimited number of trips within a set time frame. The system will pick information from GDS about the passenger booking. Travel insurance system for travel agencies is interfaced with the Galileo system to allow the travel agent send details of the insurance policy to the traveller by using information already in the system .
The passenger will therefore be able to get a soft copy of the contract and insurance card when the process is completed by an email notification
Transport Script
Transport Script System is a tool that enables Travel and Tours consultants to process transportation vouchers for clients
The vouchers are electronically stored in a database waiting to be processed by the Transportation Department. This solution fully automates the functions of the Transport unit including creation of Transfers from PNR in Galileo GDS, originating Transfer requests, transparently relaying Transfer information between the Driver and the Passenger via SMS, create voucher and forward for invoicing.
Client Loyalty Program
Travel Advantage Plus is a loyalty program that rewards individual and corporate clients who travel and do their booking through a specific agency..
The more you book or travel through the respective agency, the more points you earn. Once subscribed or registered to the program, you start earning points immediately and can be rewarded in regard to the number of points accumulated according to your agency rewarding criteria.
This is an integrated Galileo Smartpoint add-on that allows Travel Agents to generate professional, fully branded travel documentation including itineraries, fare quotes, and booking confirmations directly from their Galileo GDS platform.
TravDoc picks key bookings data from the PNR and automatically generates a PDF or an MS word document that you edit and give you an emailing option to send to the client.
The system includes generic travel related information and agency terms and conditions which can be added to the generated document.
Enhanced Client File
When a travel consultant is doing a booking, they have to enter a client’s details for every booking they do and therefore it becomes tedious especially when there is a large group who want their booking done or multiple bookings to do with a limited amount of time available
Enhanced client file is a product that is developed to ease this. With Enhanced Client File you are only required to enter the client’s details once and you can retrieve them when you are performing a booking. The interface is easy to use which means you can retrieve bookings faster and reduce the time taken to do each booking. It is integrated to your Galileo Smartpoint hence faster access whenever needed.
Corporate Management Information System
Corporate MIS is a reporting tool used by travel agencies for accountability purposes. It is used for auto-invoicing, auto-receipting and credit control.
It is incorporated to the Galileo Smartpoint and is accessible once an agent starts doing a booking. Details of the booking are transferred to the corporate MIS and the agent can fill in the details that are left and process the invoices/receipts. The accounting department and management for approval or generation of reports can access these details. The script can be customized to a client’s terms and needs
Solutions for GDS NDCs
Faidaplus Loyalty Program
In a perfect world, you work, earn and get rewarded. Faida Plus is a product that creates a perfect world for you. Faida plus is a loyalty program that rewards travel consultants and their owners using Travelport GDS.
You earn points for every ticket sold through Galileo. The online platform works by integrating with Travelport GDS accumulating points based on ticketed segments by travel consultants. The points can be converted into monetary value for redeeming items including vouchers or any other merchandise.
The online platform works by integrating with Travelport GDS accumulating points based on ticketed segments by travel consultants. The points can be converted into monetary value for redeeming items including vouchers or any other merchandise.
Customer Relationship Management
The CRM allows the NDC to gather and manage valuable customer (Travel Agents) data in a centralized location
The System has the following modules:
- Accounts Management
- Helpdesk
- Field Visits
- Transport
- Asset Management
- Training
- Agent Productivity