There is always Music playing at DewCIS
.. We do this because Music has the power to quench mental anguish; is a form of art, which is universally accessible and has instantaneous effects on our minds.
One time, when eavesdropping on a conversation of two colleagues discussing why he listens to Reggae, I found his response reaffirming at the least “ that Reggae cleanses from within and helps my mind achieve new potential, unlocking unlimited resilience when writing software codes.” His view was attested to by the ancient Hindus who believed that suffering caused by man’s uncontrolled thinking could be soothed by music therapy.
Expressive musical activities, often visible amongst some colleagues in the office singing along to streaming music, enhance the positive self-image and improve coping skills. Visibly so, because singing is a unique exercise calling upon our concentration, meditation, and breathing exercises all taking place unconsciously and simultaneously.
Nevertheless, listening to music of different genres and musical patterns affect the brain in different ways, firing disparate rush of emotions and behavioural patterns. Study has shown that listening to classical music can expand ones spatial reasoning, while listening to jazz helps with stress management. Traditional rhythmic music including chants, stringed instruments, drums and horns are very relaxing, appealing to our spirituality when played moderately loud.
Heavy metal music is great for reducing negative emotions and regulating anger and depression, especially among teens seeking validation for belonging. Avid listeners of rock music on the other hand, believe in its ability to enhance creative thinking. Listening to the sounds of nature has been shown enhance cognitive function and concentration; it is no wonder writers take time away into nature to craft their stories.
When all is said and done, music needs a mind to appreciate it. The material essence of music is found in its melody, harmony, rhythm, and dynamics. Melody gives music soul, while rhythm blends the expression of harmony and dynamics with the tempo of the beat to create a recognizable pattern.
Take a shot for those who love the sounds of the beat and be blown away by the dancing waves generated using the new revolutionary ambisonics recording technology sampled here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwNDNuC5XsQ.
But again, for those who love quiet, continue listening to the sounds of silence like the beats of your heart punctuated with the clatter of the keyboard produced by your dancing fingers. It’s all music!